The Colour of Dreams

The Colour of Dreams

She’s the image of a woman with jet black hair, swinging in the midst of blue skies and clouds over the grand canyon that lends itself to a kind of dream that you are so naively excluded from. But that doesn’t occur to you at first. What one lingers on is the ease at which this young woman can hop onto the back of an old man's motorcycle driving down the open road with her arms stretched open or kiss a stranger in his car and “just ride”. It is more than just the romanticizing of recklessness, or the freedom to, in her own words, ”make her life an art”. It's the delicacy she is accorded despite her recklessness.

(-a)minimal = African Minimalism

(-a)minimal = African Minimalism

On the surface minimalism appears to be about maintaining a simple life, uncluttered, by adhering to the bare essentials. The growing response to this approach to life seems to contrast popular cultures' increased concern with consumerism. But I think these contrary attitudes taking place at once often result in the consumption of products with a clean aesthetic, giving the appearance of simplicity along with a veiled assumption of wealth. However upon reexamination of the idea behind minimalism, its adherence to the bare “essentials” is crucial to the understanding of what the philosophy is really about.