Photographed by Cesare Bedogne




They all think someone terribly important lives in there. Someone important but rather cruel. See More


Be yourself

Call it selfish if you must. But I believe every choice must bring you closer to yourself. See More



I've only noticed the things I've run into, the things which caused me to pause or change course.  See More

Still the sun was hot, still one got over things,
still life had a way of adding day to day
— Virginia Woolf




If I didn’t come here, I might not have changed. I might have seemed tall and illusive. I might have met a man equally tall and illusive. And we would live that way, enigmatic and unknown.  But I can’t shake that fact or feeling now, that the sky sits very close to the ground, that our world is suddenly bipolar, that we are in a crucial place, at a crucial time. 


Meanwhile I am writing poetry, I’m reading fantasy, I cant articulate the change thats taking place beneath me. By the time I place my feet on the ground I’ll have no concept of whats around. 


This is what I feel when I hear you. When I become afraid of you all. When you speak of things I can’t understand to an audience that seems to understand. It sounds like the language of the current world, the subject of China Africa Relations. You are all so perfectly suited to this world, and you’ll never know shame, and I can feel it. 


But I will carry on convincing myself that there is some significance in being an artist. That there is importance in my book club meetings, that there may be relevance in my trickery and words. 


I don’t mean to express my inadequacy. I’m only competent enough to submit-- that I’m an artist, I am a poet, and I can only use my art to say something more.